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Women's Mental Health

Women Holding Hands

Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.

Empower Women and Girls

We have observed depression, anxiety, psychological distress, sexual violence, domestic violence, poor body image, eating disorders and escalating rates of substance use affect women to a greater extent than men throughout the world. We understand various societal, cultural and political factors put women at greater risk of poor mental health than men.


Despite the challenges women have been going through in everyday lives, we have also noticed incredible resilience in our community. The strong desire to grow, the readiness and willingness to seek have been saving us in our darkest moments. And most mental health conditions are treatable when you reach out for help! Let us create a sanctuary for women and girls. Let our loving and caring therapists empower you through feminist, strengths-based and tailored approaches. Let us help you to be your own rescuer!

Gender-based Roles and Anxeity

​we recognize the impact of sexism, societal pressures, and traditional gender roles on our female community, which can often lead to anxiety and stress:

  • The Caregiver: being expected to be the primary caregiver to your child or people in your life.

  • The Emotional Labor: being expected to prioritize the emotional needs of others.

  • The Superwoman: feeling pressured to excel in multiple roles simultaneously, such as being a successful professional, a devoted parent, a good daughter, and a supportive partner.

  • Submissiveness: being expected to be submissive or passive in a patriarchal society.

  • Perfectionism: facing pressure to embody the image of the "perfect woman"

  • Sacrifice: feel obligated to put others' needs ahead of their own.

  • Appearance: societal emphasis on women's appearance with age and body size.

Parent and Child

Becoming a Mother

  • Trouble getting pregnant: miscarriages and Infertility.

  • Pregnancy Anxiety: experiencing both physical and emotional changes during pregnancy.

  • Lots of Changes: experiencing labor, breastfeeding, and sleep quality.

  • Postpartum Depression: Hormonal fluctuations after childbirth can trigger postpartum depression and difficulty bonding with the baby.

  • Social Isolation: identity shifts from individual to mother and lack of personal space.

  • Parenting Pressure: being a perfect mother and co-parenting.

Asian Culture

The "Model Minority" stereotype may lead to high expectations and perfectionism, causing stress, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Asian women may face conflicting demands between traditional cultural expectations and modern societal roles. Moreover, the hypersexualization of Asian women can contribute to body image issues and feelings of objectification.

When Asian women prioritize self-fulfillment over solely being mothers or prioritize their personal feelings, they may face societal pressures from different generations, peers, and partners. For instance, if a woman is unmarried after the age of 30, she might be labeled as a "leftover woman". If a married woman chooses not to have children to pursue personal aspirations, she might be considered selfish. Similarly, a woman who has children but considers divorce may worry about societal judgment. 

Using Mesh Bag

Body Image & Eating Disorder

In the realm of body image, it is an unfortunate reality that many of us grapple with distorted notions of how our bodies should appear. Regrettably, eating disorders can lead to serious mental and physical health challenges, including life-threatening conditions like heart failure. Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate among psychiatric illnesses, surpassing even major depression.

At our practice, we prioritize empowering you to build your definition of body positivity. We firmly believe that overeating is not a moral failure and that food is not the enemy. Instead, we focus on addressing the underlying cultural factors that contribute to body dissatisfaction. Our goal is to support you in making peace with food and your body, giving yourself unconditional permission to eat without guilt or shame. Let us help you to rebuild the trust in your own body.

Mustard Flowers


We understand the unique challenges in our female community:

  • Early childhood traumas

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Gender inequality

  • Gender-based harassment

  • Workplace discrimination

  • Financial stress

  • Family responsibilities

  • Loss of loved ones

  • Premenstrual challenges, menopause

  • Perimenopause-related issues

  • Body image struggles


We can accompany you in getting deeper insights into your depression, helping you learn to be more accepting and understanding of negative thought patterns. Additionally, we will facilitate how to bring about changes in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to alleviate depression and prevent relapse. 

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